Pukarta Chala Hoon Main
Recreate the magic of the classic hit "Pukarta Chala Hoon Main," originally sung by Mohammed Rafi. This digital guitar tab score is arranged in a tempo of 100 BPM with swing 8ths, giving the song a bouncy, lively feel. While the song can be played in any of the keys—C minor (Cm), the original key, C# minor (C#m), or D minor (Dm)—Dm is often preferred for ease of strumming and maintaining a comfortable range.
The recommended strumming pattern is:
Strumming Pattern: Up Down Up Down(.) (swing 8th pattern)
(Where Up (U) and Down (D) indicate the strumming directions, and (.) represents a staccato, chuck, or mute for rhythmic variation.)
Set in a 4/4 time signature, this high-resolution score is instantly downloadable and playable, designed for guitarists of all skill levels. Bring the nostalgic, romantic feel of "Pukarta Chala Hoon Main" to your performances, blending timeless Bollywood charm with modern strumming techniques.